Australian Moulding & Door Company, 863 Mountain Hwy, Bayswater VIC 3153

Minami Russo
Minami Russo has 8 years of experience in design consulting, focusing on property for foreign investors and specializing in door, window, and timber features for various building projects. Currently completing a diploma of interior design, she is skilled in creating mood boards, sample boards, floor plans, elevation plans, 3D renderings, and material schedules. Minami brings her keen design eye to every showroom consultation, ensuring that clients find exceptional timber finishes for their renovation or new build. Her expertise will guide you in making the best selections to elevate your project.
Fee: Complimentary for 1hr
Location: AMDC Showroom

Can't attend the showroom in person?
Book an online design consultation.
Maybe you are in another state?
Maybe you already have multiple appointments or
are just too busy to come to Bayswater for your building and renovation
project and want to save travel time?
Well, we will work around you.

Justin Bishop
With over 20 years in the interior design industry, Justin Bishop is one of Melbourne’s top designers. Recently named among Australia’s ‘best of the best’ by Australian House & Garden , he brings a strong sense of style and passion for design to every project. Justin’s experience spans elegant urban homes, relaxed weekend retreats, and innovative commercial spaces, reflecting his expertise across diverse design arenas. Offering a comprehensive interior design service, he has established a reputation for creating distinctive and stylish interiors throughout the country.
Fee: $300+GST
Location: AMDC Showroom or Project Site

Realzar is your go-to service for Maximising Property Value in Melbourne. Whether a spruce up or renovation is required, or perhaps a full extension is going to suit the brief. Realzar is sought after to help clients unlock value by strategically planning, designing & coordinating property transformations, while reporting progress back to the clients
Fee: Complimentary for 1hr
Location: AMDC Showroom or Project Site

Tennille Joy
Spanning more than 25 years. A third-generation interior designer, Tennille was inspired by watching her mother create considered and beautiful spaces. In 2014, Tennille was listed in House & Garden magazine’s Little Black Book as one of the best of the best designers and decorators. Tennille believes in honouring the beauty of everyday rituals.
Fee: $300+GST
Location: AMDC Showroom or Project Site